Saturday, 21 April 2012

It's been a while

Well, after weeks of being super busy at work and letting Jani look after the garden it was my turn today! However, the rain gods thought differently and decided to send showers every 30 mins or so until mid afternoon.

I cleaned out the garage & workshop in the morning and then about 11am, since it was still raining decided to run some errands. Of course it stopped raining the minute I left the house. Sometimes it's not meant to be, but I got into it when I returned so at least the day wasn't a dead loss.

Today was a weeding day. I have a bunch of seedlings to go into the ground tomorrow (if it stays a bit dry) and so I had to weed out all the beds where they would be planted. Quite a job!

That's what it looked like when I started. Yuck!

First bed done!

Halfway through the second:)

3/4's through! 

Finally all done! That was a hell of a job. About 130 minutes of tedium.

So with that out of the way let's look at the plants:) Here's the rainbow chard. It's quite happy and will be getting some friends tomorrow:)

Here's the spring onions and the radishes. Look at those little beauties go!

And here's the last cavalo nero and the last arugula that we are collecting seeds from:)

Here's the spinach with our own home made hay as mulch.

Garlic and lots of it!

Wombok cabbages grow like crazy.

And here's the rest - brussel sprouts, rainbow chard and probably something I've forgotten:)

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