Friday, 11 May 2012

I'll start today with a harvest:) A couple of days ago I went out into the garden and grabbed what was looking good - a few radishes, some cavalo nero & some rainbow chard.
For lunch I had a radish salad.
And for dinner the greens sweated in oil, garlic & lemon juice with a few boiled potatoes.... mmmmmm
Now to the garden! Here's the first bed - I spent a lot of time weeding this today:) This end has silverbeet, brussel sprouts & cauliflower. The 2 plants on the very left are brussel sprouts that I put in today to replace the 2 that the birds annihilated.
On this side we have mini wombok's, spinach, 3 kinds of garlic and some pak choy
Here's a close up of those wombok's. They grow like crazy!
Onto garden bed number 2. Along the front there's celery, and behind that is a whole bunch of brocolli plants. We lost a few to birds and a cat (go figure!) about 2 weeks ago so I picked up 4 brocolli's at the garden centre today to replace what we lost:)
Up the other end of the bed we have cauliflower, 5 tiny marjoram plants in the bottom right corner and along the front some kholrabi I bought today to fill in the spots where those same damn birds killed some celery.
Speaking of celery - here's a close up:)
Onto the next bed and here we have spring onions, radishes, cavalo nero (the lucky last one), cos lettuce, arugula, leeks & kholrabi:) I've left some space along the front to grow more arugula:)
Here's the radishes. It's been a running battle with the caterpillars but the root doesn't seem to care much as they still grow like gangbusters!
Here's the spring onions:) yummmmm
And here's some replacement baby spring onions and also some leeks I got today.
I went a bit nuts at the garden centre - along the back are some mini cos lettuce I got there today, the other two have been there for some time^^
Finally the last bed we have. Here's rainbow chard, dwarf green peas (the 2 rows in the middle), snow peas (the small teepee) & broad beans (the big teepee).
Close up of the snow peas... oh man I can't wait to harvest these babies.
And here's the broad beans. A lot of people don't like them but I think they are one of the best vege's on the planet. All this bed except for one plant got planted today:)
Here's the raspberry cane - it's very happy and growing new leaves all the time. You can see the juniper behind it.
And here's the passionfruit. I put some worm casting on top of the soil today and will water it in over the next week or so. The soil was getting really dry in that pot for some reason so I wanted to try and give the soil some more body.
And that's it. I spent about 4 hrs in the garden today - weeding, planting, building teepees etc etc. It was great! I've not had the time lately and gardening has been sporadic, so it was nice to just go out there and cruise around getting stuff done for an afternoon:)

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